Welcome to the WHYC Sailing School!
Registration Is Open — See Below
The WHYC Sailing School offers group lessons and private lessons to both children and adults.
We welcome both WHYC members and non-members alike!
Click Here For All Group Lessons
Summer 2025:
We offer two 3-week sessions with classes 5x/week, Monday through Friday.
Session 1: June 30 – July 18 (*no class on July 4th)
Session 2: July 21 – August 8
Special Session: August 11-14 (4 days)
Learn to Sail Program in Mercury Sloops:
3 students per boat, with an instructor in the boat.
8:30am-10:00am Beginner $615
10:30am-12:00pm Beginner/Intermediate $615
Afternoon Private Lessons 1-3 Students/Boat See Below: Private Lessons
Hartley12 Program:
1-2 students per boat, with no instructor in the boat.
8:30am-10:00am Intermediate $615
10:30am-12:00pm Intermediate $615
2:30pm -4:00pm Advanced/Racing $650
Junior Racing Series: (for students in the Advanced/Racing Hartley class)
Mondays 5:00pm-7:00pm, ages 12-17
Includes pizza and prizes each week!
Private Lessons (Adult, Child, Teen, Family):
All ages and skill levels are welcome! Lessons can be 1-3 students per boat. The first 1-2 students cost $80/boat. A third student is an additional cost of $30.00.
Click Here for Mercury Private Lessons at 1:30pm
Click Here for Mercury Private Lessons at 2:45pm
Click Here for Hartley Private Lessons at 1:30pm
Guidelines for Sailors:
Our minimum age is 8. Dress appropriately for the weather – wearing a bathing suit is recommended, and please, no open-toe shoes. Apply plenty of sunscreen before class and bring a water bottle. If you own a lifejacket, please bring it, as we have a limited selection for students to borrow during their lessons. Younger beginning and intermediate students are best taught in morning classes when the wind is generally lighter.
Email sailingschool@woodsholeyachtclub.org is the best way to contact us for any questions/comments until the beginning of sailing school.
Thank you for your interest, and see you this summer!
WHYC Sailing Master